Friday, November 2, 2012

Why Aren't Democrats and Republicans Fighting For the Black Vote?

The woman had tears flowing down her cheek and she wasn't the only one, most of the people around her were also crying. These were not tears of sorrow or pain but joy; joy that the United States had it's first black president. I will never forget what she said to the reporter when she was asked what she was feeling. She said, "For the first time in my life I can honestly tell my son that he can aspire to be the President of the United States." Of course I am talking about the election in 2008 when President Obama was elected. Agree with his policy's or not there was a lot of truth to what that mother said and she clearly was experiencing a feeling that a white person in the US has never felt. Although I did not vote for Obama I was proud of the fact that our country had come a long way in regards to race relations. Blacks now had a champion and I am sure they figured things were going to change. I mean after all Hope and Change was Obamas' entire message.

But what has changed for blacks under Obama and are they now a minority group that is forgotten in politics?

 The answer is yes. Black Americans are probably the least targeted race in the United States during the presidential elections, yet they are one of the largest minority groups in the country. Why is that? I mean each campaign is spending millions of dollars to reach the Hispanic vote but why not blacks?

 The reason is because the black voters will vote overwhelmingly for Obama. President Obama won 96% of the black vote in 2008 and is running at almost 100% in 2012. No other minority group votes that overwhelmingly for a party. What would cause blacks to be so loyal to the Democratic Party?

 I think the answer (this will be unpopular) is because blacks have a unfounded loyalty to the Democratic Party. I understand that there is loyalty to the Democratic Party because many of their leaders were prominent in the Civil Rights Movement but that was a long time ago.What have the Democrats done for them recently and how has the plight of blacks improved under Democratic leadership.

 Here are a few staggering facts. While the rest of the country hovers around 8% unemployment 14.4% of blacks are out of work. A study at Harvard University stated that black males wages have  lagged behind the wages of whites. Poverty and food stamp usage are at an all time high for blacks. So I ask you where is the progress and support from Obama for the blacks? When Obama came to office he had majorities in Congress and the Senate yet there is still no major improvement for blacks.

 Here is something else that will blow you away. If you do a study of the 10 poorest cities in the United States; Detroit, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Miami, St. Louis, El Paso, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Newark (places with large minority populations) you will find that there is one major similarity. There has been virtually no Republican leadership in decades. In fact other then Cleveland and Cincinnati (who had Republican mayors in the 1980s') the rest haven't had a Republican mayor in over 50 years. I am not saying that Republican leadership alone could have completely changed this but you have to admit it couldn't hurt. However, blacks in these cities continue to vote heavily for Democrats. Its time for blacks to wake up. The Democrats have held their votes hostage for to long. The Civil Rights movement was over 50 years ago. It is time for blacks to start asking, "what have you done for me lately."

 Several years ago Rev Al Sharpton (Still don't know why he is a Reverend) said, "The Democratic Party treats blacks like a mistress. They will take us out but they won't take us home to meet momma." This quote from a prominent black leader shows that those who understand politics know exactly what is going on. The Democrats act like the blacks still owe them something for their support in the Civil Rights movement and many blacks still have loyalty to that party.

 As one of the largest minority groups in the country black voters should be courted as heavily as any other group, not taken advantage of. Its time for a paradigm shift. Blacks have been duped by a political party that promises everything and comes through with nothing.

 Being duped by a political party is nothing to be ashamed of because most groups are. Just this week I realized that as a conservative voter I have been played by the Republican Party for sometime. I will explain that in my next blog.

Thanks For Reading

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