In roughly 48 hours I will step into a small booth in a little library and cast my vote for the President of the United States. I was able to vote for the very first time in 1996. Since then my candidate has won twice and lost twice, this year will be the tie breaker.
Back in 1996 my knowledge of politics was very limited and I basically voted for one issue, abortion. I make no apologies for the fact I am pro life and am not ashamed in the least to let people know about it. Ever since 1996 I have supported pro life candidates from both parties but over the last 8 years as I have gotten more interested in politics I have had to ask myself is abortion really an issue in politics anymore? My answer and it may shock you is that abortion doesn't matter anymore in politics. That may seem like a ridiculous statement when you consider it is one of the issues that has been brought up at every presidential debate on domestic issues for as long as I can remember.
Usually what you see is the Democrat candidate try and say something to the effect that although he or she may not like abortion they believe in a woman's right to choose what to do with her body. This statement is intended to not make him look heartless but also shore up his liberal base. The Republican will say something like he or she is strongly against abortion except for in cases like rape or incest or for the life of the mother. This statement is intended to not make them look heartless towards a woman that has suffered from rape or incest and yet shore up their conservative base.
I have been hearing these lines since I voted for Bob Dole in 1996. Yet in my 20 year voting history what have I gotten in return for my support of the Republican Party in regards to a pro life stance? In my last blog I stated that blacks overwhelmingly support Democrats with little to show for it, they have been duped. In the same way conservatives, myself included, have been duped by Republicans that stand for, "the sanctity of life", but do nothing about this.
A man that I highly respect confronted me on this just last week when he stated that President George Bush gave more funding to Planned Parenthood then any other president before him. What?!?!?....Its true and I encourage you to do a little research on this fact. In fact go back and look at the Republican Presidents and show me a major attempt on anything to do with abortion let alone Roe v. Wade. Do it, I dare you!! There isn't much on a federal level and there was little support for states that have tried to make pro life laws. Listen Republican, Christian, conservative you have been duped by one of the Republican Partys' great hypocrisies. I for one am ashamed of myself for not realizing this earlier. While many of us sit back in expectant hope that our conservative candidate will actually move on what we consider a gross injustice, they have done nothing but make lame pronouncements of their pro life beliefs. That's all it takes for Conservatives to hop on the band wagon and declare our support and charge into the battle with our new found champion.
I have stated earlier that I will be voting for Mitt Romney for several reasons but his being pro life is not one of them. He has definitely changed his spots on that one. When he was running in the Republican Primary many conservatives said he is no different then Obama yet now that he has the nomination he is the savior. Romney record in Massachusetts was less then stellar as pro life candidate so conservatives don't get your hopes up.
So allow me to quickly make the case for why abortion should be an issue worth fighting for. One of my best friends was born at 23 weeks and survived. That was over 36 years ago when we didn't have the technology we have now. It's not a fetus or as one abortion supporter stated nothing more then a parasite. That's an interesting choice of words because that is what Hitler called the Jews. It is a life plain and simple.
Abortion is racially charged. Although blacks make up 13% of the population they have almost 40% of the abortions. Planned Parenthood has a ridiculously high amount of offices in areas heavily populated by minorities. All you have to do is look at the words of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, to see the foundations of that organization. Here is a staggering fact. More blacks are killed through abortion every week then were killed by the KKK in history.
Finally I have a hard time with the hypocrisy of abortion. In the state of New York if you destroy the egg of a protected bird you can face a $50,000 fine and 10 years in prison but ending the life of a fertilized child is a right? Women claim that they should be able to make choices with their own bodies and I say I agree but here is a thought. What if the father doesn't want the baby but the mother does? Can he force her to abort? No, of course not but can he at any point decide he doesn't want to support the child? He can, but he won't get away with it. Eventually he will be forced to pay child support and he will until the child is 18 or 21 depending on the circumstances and the state. Where is the mans' choice? The point is men don't get one and they shouldn't. If you created it then you are responsible for it. That standard should be the same for women and men. Finally, how can we as a country honestly look critically at some countries with horrendous civil rights records when we won't even protect the weakest among us.
There is still a place in politics for the abortion fight. Here is hoping we get a true candidate in either party that would be pro life, not just in name only but in conscience and policy.
Over the last few days I have covered some pretty touchy subjects and by the hits I have been getting I know many are reading them. I am certain that with the numbers of people reading there are those that don't agree with me and that is great. Please feel free to challenge me with your feelings and opinion. One of the reasons I started this blog was to start up dialogue not just with people that think like me but honestly more for those that do not. This allows me the opportunity to grow and progress as I am faced with differing thoughts and opinions. We may end up having to agree to disagree and that is okay as well but our politicians are doing a terrible job talking so maybe it will be up to the citizens of this country to start meaningful dialogue again.
Thanks For Reading
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Why Aren't Democrats and Republicans Fighting For the Black Vote?
The woman had tears flowing down her cheek and she wasn't the only one, most of the people around her were also crying. These were not tears of sorrow or pain but joy; joy that the United States had it's first black president. I will never forget what she said to the reporter when she was asked what she was feeling. She said, "For the first time in my life I can honestly tell my son that he can aspire to be the President of the United States." Of course I am talking about the election in 2008 when President Obama was elected. Agree with his policy's or not there was a lot of truth to what that mother said and she clearly was experiencing a feeling that a white person in the US has never felt. Although I did not vote for Obama I was proud of the fact that our country had come a long way in regards to race relations. Blacks now had a champion and I am sure they figured things were going to change. I mean after all Hope and Change was Obamas' entire message.
But what has changed for blacks under Obama and are they now a minority group that is forgotten in politics?
The answer is yes. Black Americans are probably the least targeted race in the United States during the presidential elections, yet they are one of the largest minority groups in the country. Why is that? I mean each campaign is spending millions of dollars to reach the Hispanic vote but why not blacks?
The reason is because the black voters will vote overwhelmingly for Obama. President Obama won 96% of the black vote in 2008 and is running at almost 100% in 2012. No other minority group votes that overwhelmingly for a party. What would cause blacks to be so loyal to the Democratic Party?
I think the answer (this will be unpopular) is because blacks have a unfounded loyalty to the Democratic Party. I understand that there is loyalty to the Democratic Party because many of their leaders were prominent in the Civil Rights Movement but that was a long time ago.What have the Democrats done for them recently and how has the plight of blacks improved under Democratic leadership.
Here are a few staggering facts. While the rest of the country hovers around 8% unemployment 14.4% of blacks are out of work. A study at Harvard University stated that black males wages have lagged behind the wages of whites. Poverty and food stamp usage are at an all time high for blacks. So I ask you where is the progress and support from Obama for the blacks? When Obama came to office he had majorities in Congress and the Senate yet there is still no major improvement for blacks.
Here is something else that will blow you away. If you do a study of the 10 poorest cities in the United States; Detroit, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Miami, St. Louis, El Paso, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Newark (places with large minority populations) you will find that there is one major similarity. There has been virtually no Republican leadership in decades. In fact other then Cleveland and Cincinnati (who had Republican mayors in the 1980s') the rest haven't had a Republican mayor in over 50 years. I am not saying that Republican leadership alone could have completely changed this but you have to admit it couldn't hurt. However, blacks in these cities continue to vote heavily for Democrats. Its time for blacks to wake up. The Democrats have held their votes hostage for to long. The Civil Rights movement was over 50 years ago. It is time for blacks to start asking, "what have you done for me lately."
Several years ago Rev Al Sharpton (Still don't know why he is a Reverend) said, "The Democratic Party treats blacks like a mistress. They will take us out but they won't take us home to meet momma." This quote from a prominent black leader shows that those who understand politics know exactly what is going on. The Democrats act like the blacks still owe them something for their support in the Civil Rights movement and many blacks still have loyalty to that party.
As one of the largest minority groups in the country black voters should be courted as heavily as any other group, not taken advantage of. Its time for a paradigm shift. Blacks have been duped by a political party that promises everything and comes through with nothing.
Being duped by a political party is nothing to be ashamed of because most groups are. Just this week I realized that as a conservative voter I have been played by the Republican Party for sometime. I will explain that in my next blog.
Thanks For Reading
But what has changed for blacks under Obama and are they now a minority group that is forgotten in politics?
The answer is yes. Black Americans are probably the least targeted race in the United States during the presidential elections, yet they are one of the largest minority groups in the country. Why is that? I mean each campaign is spending millions of dollars to reach the Hispanic vote but why not blacks?
The reason is because the black voters will vote overwhelmingly for Obama. President Obama won 96% of the black vote in 2008 and is running at almost 100% in 2012. No other minority group votes that overwhelmingly for a party. What would cause blacks to be so loyal to the Democratic Party?
I think the answer (this will be unpopular) is because blacks have a unfounded loyalty to the Democratic Party. I understand that there is loyalty to the Democratic Party because many of their leaders were prominent in the Civil Rights Movement but that was a long time ago.What have the Democrats done for them recently and how has the plight of blacks improved under Democratic leadership.
Here are a few staggering facts. While the rest of the country hovers around 8% unemployment 14.4% of blacks are out of work. A study at Harvard University stated that black males wages have lagged behind the wages of whites. Poverty and food stamp usage are at an all time high for blacks. So I ask you where is the progress and support from Obama for the blacks? When Obama came to office he had majorities in Congress and the Senate yet there is still no major improvement for blacks.
Here is something else that will blow you away. If you do a study of the 10 poorest cities in the United States; Detroit, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Miami, St. Louis, El Paso, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Newark (places with large minority populations) you will find that there is one major similarity. There has been virtually no Republican leadership in decades. In fact other then Cleveland and Cincinnati (who had Republican mayors in the 1980s') the rest haven't had a Republican mayor in over 50 years. I am not saying that Republican leadership alone could have completely changed this but you have to admit it couldn't hurt. However, blacks in these cities continue to vote heavily for Democrats. Its time for blacks to wake up. The Democrats have held their votes hostage for to long. The Civil Rights movement was over 50 years ago. It is time for blacks to start asking, "what have you done for me lately."
Several years ago Rev Al Sharpton (Still don't know why he is a Reverend) said, "The Democratic Party treats blacks like a mistress. They will take us out but they won't take us home to meet momma." This quote from a prominent black leader shows that those who understand politics know exactly what is going on. The Democrats act like the blacks still owe them something for their support in the Civil Rights movement and many blacks still have loyalty to that party.
As one of the largest minority groups in the country black voters should be courted as heavily as any other group, not taken advantage of. Its time for a paradigm shift. Blacks have been duped by a political party that promises everything and comes through with nothing.
Being duped by a political party is nothing to be ashamed of because most groups are. Just this week I realized that as a conservative voter I have been played by the Republican Party for sometime. I will explain that in my next blog.
Thanks For Reading
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Obi Wan Effect
Star Wars I (or IV depending on when you were born) was the first movie I can ever remember seeing. Not a bad start to my introduction to movies. I was 6 or 7 yrs old when I watched it and I loved that movie. I thought Princess Leah was smokin (even with that ridiculous hairdo) and the way she used that blaster was well...amazing!! Han Solo was cool and my favorite character. Luke Skywalker was a nerd but he had to be in the movie because after all he was the Chosen One.
There are a lot of parts in that movie that I liked but this morning the thought of Obi Wans sacrifice came into my mind. For those of you that haven't seen the movie (shame on you) Obi Wan is the Jedi Master that trains Luke Skywalker to eventually destroy the evil Empire. About half way through the movie he allows Darth Vader to kill him so as Obi Wan put it, "I can become more powerful then you could imagine." For the rest of the trilogy Obi Wan is like a conscience for Luke helping him through hardships in his training and eventually his final battles, his voice is often heard encouraging Luke. Obi Wans new found power comes from his great sacrifice, giving up his life.
Of course for those of us that are believers we can relate this story to Jesus Christ in the Bible and that is an easy comparison but what about each one of us?
Who would you give your life for so they could reach their potential?
An easy answer for me is my children but that is to easy, any good parent would give their life for their child. But what about a friend, a coworker, a complete stranger; that starts to get a little dicey. You may be thinking this is a morbid post (it is Halloween after all) but laying your life down does not have to mean literal death.
In the Bible husbands are told to lay their lives down for their wives and most of you men are saying that real death would be easier....(I am just playing ladies) We are taught to lay down our lives for our children and the world around us by following Christs example. Again this doesn't mean that we have to literally die but what it does mean is we have to be willing to sacrifice. It will hurt and it will be hard but I am convinced it is the key to true fulfillment and success.
When we put the needs of others before our own we start to lose sight of our failures, hurts and even our own needs. We don't have time for self pity when we show pity and concern for others. We lose our ambition to succeed at all costs when we help pave the road for others success. Over the years I have heard thousands of sermons and motivational speeches on how to self improve and deal with failures in your life. The truth is laying it down for others is the only answer. When you lay your life down all the trivial things don't matter anymore.
Imagine what would happen in politics if our politicians lived that way. What if they realized they were here for us? Imagine the change in our countries divorce rate if each spouse would do this. We would see changes in our schools, towns, churches and it would change the world.
So next time you have the choice follow Obi Wans lead and put away your lightsaber. Lay your life down for a cause, a friend, your family, your country, or a complete stranger and see if you don't become, "more powerful then you could possibly imagine."
Thanks for reading
Steve..aka Han Solo
There are a lot of parts in that movie that I liked but this morning the thought of Obi Wans sacrifice came into my mind. For those of you that haven't seen the movie (shame on you) Obi Wan is the Jedi Master that trains Luke Skywalker to eventually destroy the evil Empire. About half way through the movie he allows Darth Vader to kill him so as Obi Wan put it, "I can become more powerful then you could imagine." For the rest of the trilogy Obi Wan is like a conscience for Luke helping him through hardships in his training and eventually his final battles, his voice is often heard encouraging Luke. Obi Wans new found power comes from his great sacrifice, giving up his life.
Of course for those of us that are believers we can relate this story to Jesus Christ in the Bible and that is an easy comparison but what about each one of us?
Who would you give your life for so they could reach their potential?
An easy answer for me is my children but that is to easy, any good parent would give their life for their child. But what about a friend, a coworker, a complete stranger; that starts to get a little dicey. You may be thinking this is a morbid post (it is Halloween after all) but laying your life down does not have to mean literal death.
In the Bible husbands are told to lay their lives down for their wives and most of you men are saying that real death would be easier....(I am just playing ladies) We are taught to lay down our lives for our children and the world around us by following Christs example. Again this doesn't mean that we have to literally die but what it does mean is we have to be willing to sacrifice. It will hurt and it will be hard but I am convinced it is the key to true fulfillment and success.
When we put the needs of others before our own we start to lose sight of our failures, hurts and even our own needs. We don't have time for self pity when we show pity and concern for others. We lose our ambition to succeed at all costs when we help pave the road for others success. Over the years I have heard thousands of sermons and motivational speeches on how to self improve and deal with failures in your life. The truth is laying it down for others is the only answer. When you lay your life down all the trivial things don't matter anymore.
Imagine what would happen in politics if our politicians lived that way. What if they realized they were here for us? Imagine the change in our countries divorce rate if each spouse would do this. We would see changes in our schools, towns, churches and it would change the world.
So next time you have the choice follow Obi Wans lead and put away your lightsaber. Lay your life down for a cause, a friend, your family, your country, or a complete stranger and see if you don't become, "more powerful then you could possibly imagine."
Thanks for reading
Steve..aka Han Solo
Friday, October 26, 2012
Racism and Politics Introduction
To be fair I wasn't happy with the election results of 2008. I knew that after 8 tumultuous years with President Bush; John McCain didn't have a prayer. He was a sacrificial lamb by the Republican Party. The newly elected President, the young senator from Illinois had what America needed at that time. He was fresh, young, charismatic, a great orator (as long as he had a teleprompter) and he had the right plan. It was short on specifics but Hope and Change sounded pretty good for America. Of course being a staunch conservative I was disappointed with the fact the former POW and senator from Arizona didn't win but like I said, I knew there was no standing in the way of this new rock star, President Obama.
The day after the election I was watching the news and seeing black people crying with joy over the fact that there was finally a black president. Although I knew that President Obama and I would fall on very opposite ends of the political spectrum I have to admit there was some pride in my heart to see our country elect a black man to the highest office in the land. I was genuinely proud of where our country has come from in regards to race relations. From the days of slavery, through the Civil War, and the Civil Rights movement we have changed dramatically in this country on the racial front.
Over the last four years I have strongly disagreed with the president on most issues (foreign affairs, Obamacare to name a few) and supported him where I could. Killing Osama bin Laden was a victory for his administration and making the call to go into Pakistan took some guts. Kudos to President Obama on that decision, but I can honestly say that there has never been a point over the past four years that I thought of President Obama as a black man. He was just simply the President. Race has never once come into my mind when I was disagreeing with the president or approving of his actions. So with that mindset I was very surprised when the idea started to be floated around that if you disapprove of the president you are some how racist. Suddenly it became very clear to me that race baiting was going to be a very big part of the 2012 election.
Today I was involved in another debate on Facebook. First let me say there were Democrats and Republicans engaged in this debate and yet it managed to stay respectful and polite even though the topic was a hot button issue. The question raised was basically is conservatism, racist. There were several good answers from both sides and food for thought but the bottom line is race does play a major role in politics but maybe not in a way you would think. Both parties have zeroed in on specific races to try and get an advantage with them. Not surprisingly Obama has a large lead with black voters but a real war has been raging for the Hispanic vote. This election will be decided by the way Hispanics and Blacks vote. If Romney wins the Hispanic vote and can even dent the African American vote he will win. If Obama maintains his strong lead among blacks and Hispanics turn out for him he will more then likely win. Race is very much a part of politics.
Over the next week I am going to look at racism in politics in a little different way then most would think. I want to explore the issue of false paradigms that cause races to vote a certain way and I want to discuss the very touchy issue of abortion from a racial point of view. I think it will be eye opening. I hope you will read.
As always thanks for reading
The day after the election I was watching the news and seeing black people crying with joy over the fact that there was finally a black president. Although I knew that President Obama and I would fall on very opposite ends of the political spectrum I have to admit there was some pride in my heart to see our country elect a black man to the highest office in the land. I was genuinely proud of where our country has come from in regards to race relations. From the days of slavery, through the Civil War, and the Civil Rights movement we have changed dramatically in this country on the racial front.
Over the last four years I have strongly disagreed with the president on most issues (foreign affairs, Obamacare to name a few) and supported him where I could. Killing Osama bin Laden was a victory for his administration and making the call to go into Pakistan took some guts. Kudos to President Obama on that decision, but I can honestly say that there has never been a point over the past four years that I thought of President Obama as a black man. He was just simply the President. Race has never once come into my mind when I was disagreeing with the president or approving of his actions. So with that mindset I was very surprised when the idea started to be floated around that if you disapprove of the president you are some how racist. Suddenly it became very clear to me that race baiting was going to be a very big part of the 2012 election.
Today I was involved in another debate on Facebook. First let me say there were Democrats and Republicans engaged in this debate and yet it managed to stay respectful and polite even though the topic was a hot button issue. The question raised was basically is conservatism, racist. There were several good answers from both sides and food for thought but the bottom line is race does play a major role in politics but maybe not in a way you would think. Both parties have zeroed in on specific races to try and get an advantage with them. Not surprisingly Obama has a large lead with black voters but a real war has been raging for the Hispanic vote. This election will be decided by the way Hispanics and Blacks vote. If Romney wins the Hispanic vote and can even dent the African American vote he will win. If Obama maintains his strong lead among blacks and Hispanics turn out for him he will more then likely win. Race is very much a part of politics.
Over the next week I am going to look at racism in politics in a little different way then most would think. I want to explore the issue of false paradigms that cause races to vote a certain way and I want to discuss the very touchy issue of abortion from a racial point of view. I think it will be eye opening. I hope you will read.
As always thanks for reading
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I Have An Idea...
November 6th is only 3 weeks away and I suspect that a majority of Americans are ready to be done with all that comes with the campaigns. No more political adds, debates on TV, and political mailings clogging up your mail box with even more junk mail. I suspect a few days after the election Facebook will again be a peaceful place where everyone can be friends again. I know I have at least 5 people I am going to re friend once the election is over. By now they must certainly know I am right and they were wrong. In any event the time for choosing a candidate is coming to a close. So I ask you one question and that is have you got any detailed answers to your questions and issues that are important to you?
The truth is I am disappointed because I don't believe that either candidate has laid out specific plans in many areas. My biggest problem with Obama in 2008 was he ran on Hope and Change. That sounds good but how are you going to bring about these noble endeavors? Clearly he didn't think it through and there was really no plan other then live off Bush's failures. This was obviously not a workable plan. So where are the answers? Why can't bipartisan plans be implemented. I personally think it is because Washington has become to partisan to work effectively regardless of who the president is. So here is a novel idea. How about we as Americans start dialogue between each other and see what workable solutions we can come up with. So I have decided to write about one topic that has been mentioned in every debate. Here is my idea on how to resolve the illegal immigration issue. Let me know your thoughts.
Presently there are somewhere between 12-18 million illegal immigrants in the United States. There is no way to really know for sure how many there are because after all they are here illegally but experts believe the numbers above to be pretty accurate. Not only are there millions already here but on average over half a million try to enter the country every year, and that is a low estimate. Border protection has become a major issue in this country and is costing American taxpayers billions of dollars every year.
Lets look at the cost of protecting the borders. First you must pay the agents, then once you collect an illegal immigrant then you must prosecute them. This in and of itself is an extremely high cost. Public defenders must be employed the court systems in the Southwest are over capacity with illegal immigration cases alone, let alone all the other normal cases you would find in a US Court system. If the court costs weren't staggering enough for you then there is the housing, feeding and medical expenses that comes with making an arrest of an illegal. In one section of Arizona over 307,000 illegals have been caught and then had to be prosecuted. Can you imagine the strain that puts on the local economies and the local law enforcement. It is no wonder some of the Governors of the Southwest states have openly defied the federal government. They need help and they need it fast. So here is what needs to happen.
I realize this would be a radical move and terrifying for most Americans but I do think there is a precedent for it. On September 15, 1863 President Lincoln imposed Congressionally authorized martial law. The President suspended habeas corpus (the right to be heard) throughout the entire United States and focused the suspension on the prisoners of war, spies, or aiders and abettors of the enemy. Now I know that some reading this are freaking out about declaring Martial Law but the Supreme Court decided that suspending habeas corpus was against the constitution in places that local courts were still in session. So I am not advocating the Martial Law everywhere but simply on the Southwest borders and only for the issue of illegal immigration. Another time this was used was in San Francisco when in 1934 when California Governor Frank Merriam placed the docks of San Francisco under martial law, citing "riots and tumult" resulting from a dock worker's strike. Again, I am not advocating martial law for any place other then the border itself and suspending habeas corpus for illegal immigrants only.
Article 1 Section 9 of the United States Constitution states,
"The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."
I find it interesting that the founding fathers put these two section together. Did they know something about what immigration could cause and the potential for rebellion or invasion?
Now let me ask you what constitutes an invasion? Does it need to be a hostile force? Some would say that a country being overrun by over 12 million people is an invasion and I would be inclined to believe that but clearly a case can be made for public safety. Not only are the illegals coming over and taking jobs and costing taxpayers billions of dollars, more sinister plans have been exposed in both drugs and weapons trafficking. Lets face it the worst nightmare for this country is if a terrorist was able to enter through the southwest borders.
So my proposal would be to grant amnesty for all illegals that are presently here. Lets face it the cost to find them, track them down and send them home would be ridiculously high and it's never going to happen. Now I know my conservative friends are sharpening their pitch forks and torches but hear me out. Then I would deploy the US Armed Forces to the borders. We have the best trained and equipped forces in the world. With the drawn down in Iraq and eventually Afghanistan we will have many troops coming home and looking for work. The United States Department of Labor stated that 8.3% of veterans are unemployed. How many troops would have stayed in the military if they could have done their job while serving at home. Much of what the troops are doing overseas could be used in the Southwest so there would not need to be billions spent on training. Also the military could institute it into their regular training schedules. A month a year patrolling the borders in the south would be excellent real world training.
This would save taxpayers billions. It would allow local law enforcement to do their jobs and focus on a mission they can actually handle. Because habeas corpus is suspended there would be no need for civilian courts to deal with the overload of illegals and the illegals could be shipped home immediately with no cost for housing and care. Word would quickly spread that it doesn't pay to try and get into the United States illegally. Immigrants would be forced to pursue legal means of becoming citizens or coming to work. Another benefit would be the drug and weapons traffickers would be met with a force with superior firepower thus discouraging them from trying to do business in the US.
Now I know my plan isn't perfect. So tell me why it won't or would work.
Thanks For Reading
The truth is I am disappointed because I don't believe that either candidate has laid out specific plans in many areas. My biggest problem with Obama in 2008 was he ran on Hope and Change. That sounds good but how are you going to bring about these noble endeavors? Clearly he didn't think it through and there was really no plan other then live off Bush's failures. This was obviously not a workable plan. So where are the answers? Why can't bipartisan plans be implemented. I personally think it is because Washington has become to partisan to work effectively regardless of who the president is. So here is a novel idea. How about we as Americans start dialogue between each other and see what workable solutions we can come up with. So I have decided to write about one topic that has been mentioned in every debate. Here is my idea on how to resolve the illegal immigration issue. Let me know your thoughts.
Presently there are somewhere between 12-18 million illegal immigrants in the United States. There is no way to really know for sure how many there are because after all they are here illegally but experts believe the numbers above to be pretty accurate. Not only are there millions already here but on average over half a million try to enter the country every year, and that is a low estimate. Border protection has become a major issue in this country and is costing American taxpayers billions of dollars every year.
Lets look at the cost of protecting the borders. First you must pay the agents, then once you collect an illegal immigrant then you must prosecute them. This in and of itself is an extremely high cost. Public defenders must be employed the court systems in the Southwest are over capacity with illegal immigration cases alone, let alone all the other normal cases you would find in a US Court system. If the court costs weren't staggering enough for you then there is the housing, feeding and medical expenses that comes with making an arrest of an illegal. In one section of Arizona over 307,000 illegals have been caught and then had to be prosecuted. Can you imagine the strain that puts on the local economies and the local law enforcement. It is no wonder some of the Governors of the Southwest states have openly defied the federal government. They need help and they need it fast. So here is what needs to happen.
I realize this would be a radical move and terrifying for most Americans but I do think there is a precedent for it. On September 15, 1863 President Lincoln imposed Congressionally authorized martial law. The President suspended habeas corpus (the right to be heard) throughout the entire United States and focused the suspension on the prisoners of war, spies, or aiders and abettors of the enemy. Now I know that some reading this are freaking out about declaring Martial Law but the Supreme Court decided that suspending habeas corpus was against the constitution in places that local courts were still in session. So I am not advocating the Martial Law everywhere but simply on the Southwest borders and only for the issue of illegal immigration. Another time this was used was in San Francisco when in 1934 when California Governor Frank Merriam placed the docks of San Francisco under martial law, citing "riots and tumult" resulting from a dock worker's strike. Again, I am not advocating martial law for any place other then the border itself and suspending habeas corpus for illegal immigrants only.
Article 1 Section 9 of the United States Constitution states,
"The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."
I find it interesting that the founding fathers put these two section together. Did they know something about what immigration could cause and the potential for rebellion or invasion?
Now let me ask you what constitutes an invasion? Does it need to be a hostile force? Some would say that a country being overrun by over 12 million people is an invasion and I would be inclined to believe that but clearly a case can be made for public safety. Not only are the illegals coming over and taking jobs and costing taxpayers billions of dollars, more sinister plans have been exposed in both drugs and weapons trafficking. Lets face it the worst nightmare for this country is if a terrorist was able to enter through the southwest borders.
So my proposal would be to grant amnesty for all illegals that are presently here. Lets face it the cost to find them, track them down and send them home would be ridiculously high and it's never going to happen. Now I know my conservative friends are sharpening their pitch forks and torches but hear me out. Then I would deploy the US Armed Forces to the borders. We have the best trained and equipped forces in the world. With the drawn down in Iraq and eventually Afghanistan we will have many troops coming home and looking for work. The United States Department of Labor stated that 8.3% of veterans are unemployed. How many troops would have stayed in the military if they could have done their job while serving at home. Much of what the troops are doing overseas could be used in the Southwest so there would not need to be billions spent on training. Also the military could institute it into their regular training schedules. A month a year patrolling the borders in the south would be excellent real world training.
This would save taxpayers billions. It would allow local law enforcement to do their jobs and focus on a mission they can actually handle. Because habeas corpus is suspended there would be no need for civilian courts to deal with the overload of illegals and the illegals could be shipped home immediately with no cost for housing and care. Word would quickly spread that it doesn't pay to try and get into the United States illegally. Immigrants would be forced to pursue legal means of becoming citizens or coming to work. Another benefit would be the drug and weapons traffickers would be met with a force with superior firepower thus discouraging them from trying to do business in the US.
Now I know my plan isn't perfect. So tell me why it won't or would work.
Thanks For Reading
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Consistency Is The Key To Authenticity
It is amazing to me how much Facebook has changed my world. I love FB because it allows me to keep up with friends (254 at the present) that I just would not have the time to interact with if it wasn't for FB. I enjoy hearing about friends lives, seeing pictures of whatever it is that is important to them, saying a prayer for someone in need or just, and lets be honest; being nosey.
Part of this wonderful interaction is hotly contested debates and never more so then in this election season. This week several debates broke out and became pretty hostile. I was surprised and disappointed by the people that went on the attack but even more then my disappointment I was shocked by the inconsistency of their argument.
As I thought about it over the weekend (after all it is hunting season and I have to do something while I freeze my butt off) I realized that being inconsistent it the biggest enemy to being authentic. Authentic is defined as; of undisputed origin; genuine. Synonyms for authentic are; real, true, verifiable. I couldn't help but think about consistency and authenticity when I thought about some of the political debates that raged last week on FB.
A friend of mine (and anyone that agreed with him) was attacked pretty harshly in a post he wrote about being consistent. His point was simply we have to be consistent in how we react. You can't give your party or political affiliation a pass for rude behavior and not accept it in the opposing party. The situation that was in question was how rude and unprofessional VP Joe Biden had been in his laughing and cutting off of Congressman Ryan. Of course conservatives (of which I am a card carrying member) howled at the injustice of it all and what a lunatic VP Biden had been, but not one comment was made about how Gov. Romney had cut off President Obama several times and had been rather aggressive with him during their debate. This is clearly a double standard and inconsistent. I have to say I strongly agree with my friend; we have to be consistent.
Let me bring up another illustration that I think will make my point clearer. During a campaign stop in Ohio President Obama made the statement, " you didn't build that". He was referring to small business owners building their businesses. FOX News (Fair and Balanced???) immediately jumped on that as did the Romney campaign. The first thing I read about the comment was "President Obama said the government built your small business". I was so angry when I read it that I immediately posted something on FB, asking the President where my help was. As a small business owner I have worked 18 hr days for the past 6 months to try and keep my head above water. What do you mean I didn't build this business? I was so upset that I went to the first video I could find and watched it, ready to throw my laptop across the room when I witnessed his blatant attack on me, a small business owner. What I saw shocked me. I started by watching the whole clip and I have to say that I agreed with what the president said. I didn't build my business alone. In fact I had an investor who took a chance on me and has helped me grow my property management business. I had friends from my time in the military that trusted me with their homes while they were deployed or out of state, all giving me the chance to learn on the job. There are several people in my life that give me advice and wisdom when I needed it. This great country I live in provides the infrastructure that I need to be successful by building, paving and plowing roads so I can get to and from the places I manage. It also provides a system (even with its faults) that allows me to compete in business. President Obama you are right, (at least on this) I didn't build my business alone.
My point is not to necessarily argue the point of whether or not I built my business but to show how conservatives responded. FB and Twitter were full of comments blasting the President for his attack on business owners. Well if you can watch the full video with all the context and make that assumption, then feel free to be angry but what happens when your candidate berates 47% of the country. I didn't read one post from any of my conservative friends blasting Romney for his lack of empathy for those struggling in this country.
I did the same thing with Romney as I did with Obama. I went to the video clip to see for myself however, this time I went with the attitude the media was just out to get him. I watched the video clip not once but three times to try and give him the benefit of the doubt and I was appalled. In fact I was more appalled by what he said then Obama's "you didn't build that" comment. What Romney said was shameful and destructive. The fact is he berated most of my friends on FB and me. He was standing at a $50,000 per plate dinner event telling the very wealthy that we didn't matter. The fact is probably 85% of my friends on FB wish they were making $50,000 a year and that includes the people protecting us, our military. Please, please.... one of my conservative friends, please respond and tell me where was the indignation and rage that was directed at Obama's comments. It wasn't there because Romney was our guy.
So what is my point? It is simply that inconsistency defeats authenticity every time. How can Romney stand in front of a microphone and say he cares about all Americans after that comment. His authenticity is marred. We don't find this in the candidates alone but also in the party platforms. The Republicans will tell you they care about spending when they vote to increase the debt limit. Don't forget the last president to balance the budget was a Democrat. Or my all time favorite is when the Democrats say they are for the poor and for those that have no voice but they support the wholesale killing of the unborn. How can you say you look after the weak when you are willing to destroy the weakest among us. It is simply not consistent and therefore I can be assured you are not authentic.
Let me make this last point to drive this idea home. A majority of Americans will rage about the financial crisis. You won't find anyone on either side of the political spectrum that thinks we are in good shape economically. They may differ on who is responsible but they will all say it is bad and someone is to blame other then them. But here is an interesting fact. How many of us have our personal finances in order. I find it a little hard to stomach someone complaining about the way the government spends money when they can't control their budgets. That is a hard thought and tough to swallow..I think I just pissed myself off. Don't hold your government to a standard you won't hold yourself to.
What we need from our government officials and from each other is consistency. When we show we are consistent then we can be authentic and work can get done. I find this in every area of my life. I want to be consistent in my faith, as a father, friend, son, business owner and Facebooker (you may read some crazy stuff from me). People are drawn to whats real and authentic. I believe this is why people are disenfranchised with the government. Voters would argue that it isn't real and it's mainly lies from both sides so why bother being a part. I have always believed the most effective change starts small (grassroots) so why not start being consistent in your political beliefs and causes. Stop drinking the cool-aid from FOX News, CNN, MSNBC and any of the other networks. Hold President Obama or Gov. Romney to the same standard as you would the candidate you won't support and watch how quickly the dialogue will become workable. If we as voters would hold all our elected officials to this standard then watch how fast we would get a budget past and who know maybe you would be compelled to make one for yourself.
Thanks For Reading
Part of this wonderful interaction is hotly contested debates and never more so then in this election season. This week several debates broke out and became pretty hostile. I was surprised and disappointed by the people that went on the attack but even more then my disappointment I was shocked by the inconsistency of their argument.
As I thought about it over the weekend (after all it is hunting season and I have to do something while I freeze my butt off) I realized that being inconsistent it the biggest enemy to being authentic. Authentic is defined as; of undisputed origin; genuine. Synonyms for authentic are; real, true, verifiable. I couldn't help but think about consistency and authenticity when I thought about some of the political debates that raged last week on FB.
A friend of mine (and anyone that agreed with him) was attacked pretty harshly in a post he wrote about being consistent. His point was simply we have to be consistent in how we react. You can't give your party or political affiliation a pass for rude behavior and not accept it in the opposing party. The situation that was in question was how rude and unprofessional VP Joe Biden had been in his laughing and cutting off of Congressman Ryan. Of course conservatives (of which I am a card carrying member) howled at the injustice of it all and what a lunatic VP Biden had been, but not one comment was made about how Gov. Romney had cut off President Obama several times and had been rather aggressive with him during their debate. This is clearly a double standard and inconsistent. I have to say I strongly agree with my friend; we have to be consistent.
Let me bring up another illustration that I think will make my point clearer. During a campaign stop in Ohio President Obama made the statement, " you didn't build that". He was referring to small business owners building their businesses. FOX News (Fair and Balanced???) immediately jumped on that as did the Romney campaign. The first thing I read about the comment was "President Obama said the government built your small business". I was so angry when I read it that I immediately posted something on FB, asking the President where my help was. As a small business owner I have worked 18 hr days for the past 6 months to try and keep my head above water. What do you mean I didn't build this business? I was so upset that I went to the first video I could find and watched it, ready to throw my laptop across the room when I witnessed his blatant attack on me, a small business owner. What I saw shocked me. I started by watching the whole clip and I have to say that I agreed with what the president said. I didn't build my business alone. In fact I had an investor who took a chance on me and has helped me grow my property management business. I had friends from my time in the military that trusted me with their homes while they were deployed or out of state, all giving me the chance to learn on the job. There are several people in my life that give me advice and wisdom when I needed it. This great country I live in provides the infrastructure that I need to be successful by building, paving and plowing roads so I can get to and from the places I manage. It also provides a system (even with its faults) that allows me to compete in business. President Obama you are right, (at least on this) I didn't build my business alone.
My point is not to necessarily argue the point of whether or not I built my business but to show how conservatives responded. FB and Twitter were full of comments blasting the President for his attack on business owners. Well if you can watch the full video with all the context and make that assumption, then feel free to be angry but what happens when your candidate berates 47% of the country. I didn't read one post from any of my conservative friends blasting Romney for his lack of empathy for those struggling in this country.
I did the same thing with Romney as I did with Obama. I went to the video clip to see for myself however, this time I went with the attitude the media was just out to get him. I watched the video clip not once but three times to try and give him the benefit of the doubt and I was appalled. In fact I was more appalled by what he said then Obama's "you didn't build that" comment. What Romney said was shameful and destructive. The fact is he berated most of my friends on FB and me. He was standing at a $50,000 per plate dinner event telling the very wealthy that we didn't matter. The fact is probably 85% of my friends on FB wish they were making $50,000 a year and that includes the people protecting us, our military. Please, please.... one of my conservative friends, please respond and tell me where was the indignation and rage that was directed at Obama's comments. It wasn't there because Romney was our guy.
So what is my point? It is simply that inconsistency defeats authenticity every time. How can Romney stand in front of a microphone and say he cares about all Americans after that comment. His authenticity is marred. We don't find this in the candidates alone but also in the party platforms. The Republicans will tell you they care about spending when they vote to increase the debt limit. Don't forget the last president to balance the budget was a Democrat. Or my all time favorite is when the Democrats say they are for the poor and for those that have no voice but they support the wholesale killing of the unborn. How can you say you look after the weak when you are willing to destroy the weakest among us. It is simply not consistent and therefore I can be assured you are not authentic.
Let me make this last point to drive this idea home. A majority of Americans will rage about the financial crisis. You won't find anyone on either side of the political spectrum that thinks we are in good shape economically. They may differ on who is responsible but they will all say it is bad and someone is to blame other then them. But here is an interesting fact. How many of us have our personal finances in order. I find it a little hard to stomach someone complaining about the way the government spends money when they can't control their budgets. That is a hard thought and tough to swallow..I think I just pissed myself off. Don't hold your government to a standard you won't hold yourself to.
What we need from our government officials and from each other is consistency. When we show we are consistent then we can be authentic and work can get done. I find this in every area of my life. I want to be consistent in my faith, as a father, friend, son, business owner and Facebooker (you may read some crazy stuff from me). People are drawn to whats real and authentic. I believe this is why people are disenfranchised with the government. Voters would argue that it isn't real and it's mainly lies from both sides so why bother being a part. I have always believed the most effective change starts small (grassroots) so why not start being consistent in your political beliefs and causes. Stop drinking the cool-aid from FOX News, CNN, MSNBC and any of the other networks. Hold President Obama or Gov. Romney to the same standard as you would the candidate you won't support and watch how quickly the dialogue will become workable. If we as voters would hold all our elected officials to this standard then watch how fast we would get a budget past and who know maybe you would be compelled to make one for yourself.
Thanks For Reading
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