Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 The Scars Of Freedom Remain

 I have said many times that 9/11 was one of the most influential days in my life. For me like so many other Americans 9/11 drastically changed my life. I was standing in a warehouse in Detroit, Michigan buying materials for the days jobs when I heard the news. I will never forget how the mood in the office changed so quickly when the second plane hit and then the third in the Pentagon. I remember an older gentleman saying, "who is doing this to us?" I remember fear, confusion and anger. Fear because I realized that my children's lives, it was my daughters 3rd birthday, would grow up in a very different world then I had. Confusion because I wanted answers like every other American and finally anger as I wanted to see justice brought on the people that had committed this barbaric act.
 After 9/11 everything changed for me. The economy went south in Detroit basically ruining any chance of getting the small business I had started off the ground. I was compelled to do my part and so I joined the US Army to fight for my country, family and friends. That decision had major consequences including two deployments and almost 3 years away from my wife and children. The ensuing separations played a big part in my eventual divorce. The two deployments not only caused issues for me at home but because of my time spent in a combat zone I now carry some emotional baggage as well as physical damage from injuries while overseas. The fact is 9/11 and its after math has caused me pain and suffering, there is no denying that. There is also no denying the fact I suffered much less then many other Americans. It may sound like I am bemoaning my situation post 9/11 but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
 I realized today the cost of human freedom always has scars. From the very beginning our country has fought for freedom, and blood has always been shed for it. Thomas Jefferson once stated, "  The tree of Liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots..." This country has continually watered that tree from its inception. Whenever a challenge for freedom has come we have met it and beat it. However, when that happens there will always be scars. One only needs to go to a VA hospital and see how generations carry those scars. For me all I have to do it get out of bed in the morning and I can feel where I had surgery to repair the injury to my back. When I lift my arm for the first time in the morning I can feel my shoulder start to pop out of place and I am reminded of the dislocated shoulder that was injured on my second deployment. Of course these are small injuries compared to what many have suffered. The loss of limbs, eye sight, hearing, traumatic brain damage and PTSD are just a few of the damages others faced and of course there are families carrying the scars of loved ones lost. These scars are a necessary sign post that states good men and women will always rise in the face of tyranny and oppression. These scars will and must always remain as a payment for freedom. There is no human freedom without scars. So today I respectfully celebrate the scars this nation carries. I remember the lives of the men and women who died on 9/11 in the planes, towers and the Pentagon. I remember the bravery of flight 93 and the heroism of the fireman and police that selflessly went into the towers to save others. I also remember those in the military that have sustained 10yrs of war and every facet of what that means. They are one and all patriots for the freedom we love so much.
Today I also celebrate another source of freedom. As I said earlier there must always be scars for freedom and one man bore them 2000 years ago so I didn't have to. I am thankful for my freedom in Christ and the sacrifice he made for me and for all who believe. It was His sacrifice and words, "Greater love has no man then he lay down his life for a friend, " that gives the lives of those lost meaning and purpose. It was from many of His teachings that this nation was founded on and many of our principles were established. Principles that say we will value the life of our neighbor and give our live for a friend.
It would be easy on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 to grieve, and I think that is a natural and healthy approach, but I think it would be wrong to not also celebrate the scars that bind us and make us strong.
God Bless America,

Thanks For Reading


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