Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Here I Make My Stand

"There is a spirit in a man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding. Great men are not always wise, nor do the aged always understand justice. Therefore I say 'Listen to me, and I will declare my opinion." Job 32:8-10

 I love that passage from Job. I love the passion of Elihu, the young man that corrected Job and his friends. His attitude is one of explosion! He waited, he listened, to “age” and “wisdom” trying to convince Job. Yet, the right answer had not been found. Finally, he had his chance to speak. You can almost feel his frustration and anger, and then with wisdom and humility, he corrected Job and his friends.

 I feel like Elihu today, the spirit inside this man must speak. It is not because I am one with wisdom, or great eloquence, but like Elihu I have a spirit within that compels me to speak with intelligence and share my heart. Like Elihu, I am frustrated and angry.

 Before I get into what I want to say, let me state clearly and unequivocally that this blog is not in response to anyone person or group. I do not have an individual in mind while writing this. I know there are those I love and respect greatly that may disagree with some or all of this. My desire is not to correct, lecture, or divide people. My only hope is that you would consider what I say and see if you can find truth in it. If you are a person of faith, weigh it in prayer and with the scriptures to see if what I write is true.

 Over the last year, starting with the election season, and culminating with the recent passage of laws dealing with the 2nd Amendment, I have read literally thousands of posts on Facebook and probably hundreds of blogs and articles dealing with the question as to what should be the Christians response to what is a very dysfunctional government? I have read everything from friends Facebook posts, to articles and sermons from nationally known speakers. I have read every extreme opinion from, "pick up your weapons and let’s go to war," to “we are slaves to the government so let’s do what the Bible says and just submit to this nation’s leadership." There are voices on one side calling for violent revolution, and those on the opposite side of the spectrum stating if you really love Jesus and the Bible you will just roll over. It is infuriating to say the least. After reading these posts or blogs I am always confronted with two questions. One, as a professing follower of Jesus, how should I respond to this government? Two, to what length should I as a Christian go to protect the freedoms I hold dear?

 Let’s start by making the case that our government in the United States is seriously broken. I don’t know if anyone reading this will actually argue contrary to that statement. Just in case, let’s cover the basis. Look at some of the more pressing issues right now.

 We have an economy that is teetering on total collapse. We hear constantly about the fiscal cliff, and the only answer that our “highly educated” officials can come with, is raise the debt ceiling so we can borrow more. Anyone that has dealt with bankruptcy can tell you, borrowing more to save a sinking ship never works! In fact, it only delays the inevitable collapse. Taxes are at an all-time high, and Obamacare, which the Supreme Court ruled, would be the biggest tax increase in history, hasn’t even went into effect yet! We have an increasing number of citizens that are dependent on the government to survive. We have government cover ups in Benghazi, attacks on some of our most important freedoms, corruption, and the most partisan Washington, DC I have ever seen. These are just a few of the issues we are facing. We are a mess and spiraling out of control more every day.

 As a young man I made a decision to live as a follower of Christ thus giving me citizenship in another kingdom, the kingdom of Heaven. So my first response to any ethical, moral or spiritual decision is to emulate Jesus’ example. He taught us that we are to be meek and lowly, Matthew 5:5. He taught us to love our enemy and do good to those that persecute us, Matthew 5:44. He taught us to turn the other cheek, Matthew 5:39. With these scriptures alone it would seem that I am saying we just need to roll over and do what we are told. However, as I read Matthew 5, a very interesting thing stood out to me. Matthew 5 talks almost exclusively about how we are to act towards other individuals, not the government. You may think that is a stretch but here me out. Almost every verse states how we are to react to someone that is mistreating us. For example, take one of the most famous verses, Matthew 5:39: “But I tell you not to resist and evil person. But whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him also.” So if we are true believers of the Bible, then we should not condone anything that thwarts stopping an evil person. In other words, we should not have fought against Hitler and Nazi Germany, al-Qaeda and certainly not against the King of England in the American Revolution. But is that what Jesus is really saying? I don’t think so.

 So what does Matthew 5:39 mean? Let me give you an interpretation that you may not have ever considered. To actually turn the other cheek you have to be in a position of strength. If I was walking out of a gas station and got jumped by five guys and was beaten would that be considered turning the other cheek? Of course not! One on five generally turns out badly for the one, and I would most likely be grateful to be alive when it was done. Now say I came out of the same gas station and was confronted by a single individual, one on one, that I could handle. Allowing that individual to strike me, without retaliating, would be turning the other cheek. Let me give you an even clearer example. Did Jesus turn the other cheek when he died on the cross? The answer is an obvious, yes! How do we know that? We know that because Jesus could have come off that cross whenever he wanted to. If He couldn’t have then He was not God and He wasn’t turning the other cheek he was just another man being subjected to the cruel devices of a stronger power. Matthew 5 is dealing with our response to one another not the government.

 Jesus is conspicuously quiet when it came to government issues. There is a reason for this and that was He was coming to a people and region that was looking for a deliverer from the Romans. We know from scripture that was not why He came. He came to die for the sins of man and for the redemption of our souls. But there were a few instances where Jesus dealt with the government and I think some clues about how we should act can be gleaned from his approach.

 Many use the story of Jesus being asked about paying taxes as an example of why we should obey the government. Jesus stated, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s”…Mark 12:17. But every gospel that tells this story states that the Pharisees were trying to trap him in his words so they could make a complaint to the Romans. In fact, Mark states it was one of the lies they tried to pin on him at Christ’s trial. It is clear from the gospels that Jesus’ answer was based on the fact they were trying to trick him.

 I think a better example of Christ’s feelings for the government could be found at his trial. There is no doubt that Jesus was meek and lowly, but I recently thought there were a few points in the time after he was arrested and before the crucifixion that he displayed the awesome power of God. I believe Jesus showed his disdain for the puppet court and government of that day when he refused to answer both Herod and Pilate. Can you imagine being the ruler of the region and bringing in this carpenter and He refuses to answer you even though you have his life in your hands? What power! What strength and how God like! His silence spoke volumes about who He was and what He stood for. The gospels bring out that Pilate marveled at the fact Jesus wouldn’t talk. It was if Jesus, through his silence, was stating who was really in charge that day. The Almighty was still the King in that court regardless of who was perceived to be in charge.

 What an amazing contrast Jesus is. He is a God of love, mercy and grace, but he is also a God of justice, the Lion of Judah and a protector of the weak! The God of the Old Testament is the same God in the New Testament. The Jesus of the Gospels is the same Jesus of Revelations 19. Hebrews 13:8 states, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” How can the God of War (Exodus 15:3 & Psalms 24:8 also be the God of Love and Mercy. This could be confusing until you read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…a time to love, a time to hate, a time of war, and a time of peace.”

 So the first and most important question that we as believers should be asking is what season is it? Do you know? Have you prayed about it or have you let your emotions take you in a direction without clarification? It is easy to do but we must seek God to see what season it is. Is it a time of war or a time of peace? Let’s look back and see if we can glean anything further from the life of Jesus.

 If Jesus was about anything he was about freedom. He went about healing the sick, healing those possessed, healing the hearts of man and finally freeing us from the law of sin and death. On the day he died on the cross his blood stamped pardon on our souls and we were set free. “He who the Son sets free is free indeed” John 8:36. In fact His whole plan from the beginning was to free us. So how would Jesus respond to a government that is starting to take away the freedoms of its people? I strongly believe He would support freedom. I believe he would emphatically and charismatically support freedom. The scriptures both old and new are full of stories of freedom from oppression. Just because Christ did not free the Jews from the Romans during his life does not mean he was not interested in their freedom. Christ came to present another kingdom but that doesn’t mean He was condoning the Romans and their treating of the Jews. He simply had come for another purpose. Yet the final book of the Bible, the final chapter in history is written with one ending, freedom.

 How then should I respond as a follower of Christ to a country that is starting to take away freedoms? I think the answer is obvious from the Bible and that is we must fight to maintain freedom. To take a casual and apathetic approach to the state of our nation puts us in the category of the unfaithful servant found in Matthew 25. “To whom much is given much is required” Luke 12:48. We have been entrusted with this great nation and to let it go down the road it is headed would be a travesty. I can no longer silently sit on the sidelines and not act. The future of all I hold dear is at stake.

 What then should our approach be as Christians? Should we write letters and make phone calls? Am I suggesting protests? Am I saying run for office? Would I even go as far as to say that we not only can, but should, join in active rebellion if necessary? The answer is emphatically yes to every question. Do whatever it takes! Sitting on the sideline is no longer an option. A good friend of mine recently challenged me with the thought of outworking those that are looking to make changes and laws that I deem dangerous and unconstitutional. Do whatever it takes.

 Almost as bad as doing nothing is spreading toxic comments or posts on Facebook without doing anything of substance. Organize, get involved, fight for what you believe and do not let the disease of political correctness quiet you. Fight for your freedoms.

 In the passion of the battle you must remember that we lose our voice when we act and open our mouths out of emotion. One of the things that infuriates me is when a person states my view point but says it in such a vulgar or uneducated way as to totally turn off any open minded person that could be won to our cause. Calling the president an “F…ing Idiot” or stating from, “My Cold Dead Hands” only destroys the wisdom behind our cause. Be well written and well spoken. If you are writing to one of your representatives I encourage you to read how our founding fathers wrote to King George III when they expressed their grievances. They used words like “humbly” and “beseech” even though they were months away from armed conflict. “A soft answer turns away wrath” Proverbs 15:1. This would be the time for meekness. Most importantly pray for your leaders. Praise their decisions when you can and let them know you support them when they make the right decisions. Politicians are real people and trust me the tide of public opinion is still very powerful.

  I know some will think that my statement about active rebellion is radical and I would say they are correct but that places me in good company. Our founding fathers were radical. Look at the reasons they went to war with England and you will find many of the same issues we are dealing with today, namely a government that no longer places the needs of the people above its own devices and desires.

 I am not suggesting we are at a place where we pick up arms but if anything I have said resonates with you then you should at least take notice to this fact. The government is actively looking to reduce your ability to take up arms, even though it is explicitly guaranteed by the Constitution in the 2nd Amendment. Wake up citizens, things are happening fast.

 I recently read a blog in which the writer stated, “for a government to work effectively there must be humility and an attitude of servant hood. These two characteristics, if missing, will destroy any leadership and render it useless or worse tyrannical.” Think about humility and servant hood when you think about the way our fore fathers acted when they brought this country into existence. I challenge you to do a little research about the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence.

 Five signers were captured and tortured until they died. Twelve had their homes burned or ransacked, several lost children in the war. Nine fought and died from wounds or hardship from the war. Many of the men lost their wealth and died bankrupt. They were men that pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to defy a king and a super power. I am afraid that today most Americans would not even sacrifice their cable TV to fight for their freedom. How can we say we love liberty and freedom if we are not willing to put it all on the line like our fore fathers? How can we be worthy of this great gift to be born into this country if we are not willing to sacrifice it all to keep what we hold sacred and dear?

 As citizens we have lost the ideals of humility and servant hood. The American of today thinks about self and how he can prosper self. We do not emulate those characteristics that Jesus taught us and that our founding fathers exemplified; humility and servant hood. Sacrifice is needed to right this ship, and a revolution always has a price. So what are you willing to do? Will you do anything? I have decided that I will follow the example of Jesus and the founding fathers and lay my life down. I will do whatever it takes. I will write, make phone calls, contact my representatives, write blogs, protest and educate the uneducated… Lastly, God forbid that this day comes, I will take up arms and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies foreign, and even domestic.

 So, what would Jesus do? What should our response be as Christians to the state of our nation? Quite simply, He would lay his life down for others, especially the weak. Our response as believers should be the same. I have decided that as for me, I will begin to make my stand here. I have planted my flag and this is a hill I am willing to die on. “Greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for a friend” John 15:13.

Thanks for reading
